Entries by LmK Music Production

How to actually fix “voice popping”​ in podcasts – since “anti pop screens”​ don’t actually work

Podcasts are now a big thing: another opportunity to broadcast someone’s ideas and messages to thousands of people across the world – and how many can resist the idea of selling their ideas to millions of people? Anyway, very few who venture in this interesting realm know how to operate technologic devices. And end up […]

How to pick the wrong music for soundtracks: choose by the lyrics.

A very common trend in many recent soundtracks: to choose its music tracks according to song lyrics – which, by axiom, requires the use of songs. That, unbeknownst to many, are not the only musical form (interesting, isn’t it? Because “song” is commonly used, since more or less a century ago, as standard definition for music […]

Writing a good job seeking eMail

Looking for a new job, aren’t you? Nothing wrong with it: looking for a job is nothing more than a willingness to be part of human society. We can easily say it is one of the noblest activities we can engage with: every accomplishment humanity has achieved was because, well …someone wanted to do that […]

Why Mp3 is good, or: how I learned to stop worrying and love the lossy audio compression.

Long story short: the Mp3 is perfectly fine for music listening – as long as you don’t abuse its compression. Wanna know the scientific details about it? Keep reading. The basics: the concept behind the Mp3 standard Human senses far from the perfect system everybody seems to assume are. First of all: they’re strongly limited by […]